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Timber frame surveys

We regularly undertake building surveys, specific structural defect surveys, and damp and timber surveys of medieval to post-medieval timber frame buildings. Quite often, these buildings are poorly understood and can cost owners upwards of several hundreds of thousands of pounds if they do not get the right survey. We are one of only a handful of consultancies in the UK that work with timber frames. We take instructions from banks and private clients, and we take instructions from some of the most prominent timber frame consultancies in the UK. Here are a few of the typical issues we commonly find on timber frame surveys:


Rotten sill beam caused by cement and modern paint. £3,000 per linear meter to replace. 

Rotten post and rail caused by impermeable paint and silicon filler. 


Bodged repair work with cement pointing and poorly installed rail. 

Rotted out post filled in with builders foam. 

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